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Asian salad dressing with pumpkin seed oil

Sometimes it has to be a salad. But then with a really good salad dressing, which in my case is of course an Asian salad dressing. And what tops it all off is the use of wonderful organic pumpkin seed oil from“Der Ölacker“. You think that doesn’t go with an Asian salad dressing? Let me prove you wrong!

Well, I admit it: a few slices of delicious flank steak also ended up on my salad. It was kind of force of habit 🙂 and the steak was really great, but the Asian salad dressing was so good on its own that even I could have done without the steak.

Asian salad dressing with pumpkin seed oil

Organic pumpkin seed oil from “Der Ölacker”

In this case, pumpkin seed oil and pumpkin seeds are regional SuperFood from “Der Ölacker”, with organic pumpkin seeds from northern Hesse. And the dried pumpkin seeds prove that superfood does not necessarily have to be exotic. With their fine, nutty aroma, pumpkin seeds not only taste great, but are also a real secret weapon for our health.

The small, rich dark green nutrient powerhouses are full of valuable ingredients. And the special feature of the pumpkin seed oil lies in the processing of the RESUFO organic pumpkin seeds from northern Hesse. These are exclusively natural and cold-pressed in the oil mill in Hollenstedt.

Asian salad dressing with pumpkin seed oil

And “Der Ölacker” has much more to offer. You will find a variety of the finest edible oils from regional cultivation in southern Lower Saxony. Be it classics such as rapeseed oil and sunflower oil or dragon’s head oil and camelina oil. Last but not least is the wonderful truffle oil. All edible oils are virgin, unfiltered, cold-pressed and made from local seeds. Be sure to take a look around the store!

Try out the following recipes, which also use products from “Der Ölacker”: Beef onions with oyster sauce from the wok, Smoked miso eggplants on roast beef with teriyaki garlic glaze and Chinese pancakes with wild garlic.

Asian salad dressing with pumpkin seed oil

Asian salad dressing

The Asian salad dressing is quick to make. I used a mixed salad, to which I added mung bean sprouts and pumpkin seeds. All you need for the dressing is the pumpkin seed oil, rice vinegar*, lime juice, garlic and fresh coriander. I deliberately avoid adding sweetness and spiciness here, as this is the best way to bring out the pumpkin seed oil, while still giving the salad dressing an Asian touch. You can find the exact instructions at the bottom of the recipe, so get to it.

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Asiatisches Salatdressing mit Kürbiskernöl

Asiatisches Salatdressing mit Kürbiskernöl

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  • Total Time: 1 hour 10 minutes



Gemischter Salat



50 ml Bio-Kürbiskernöl von “Der Ölacker
30 ml Reisessig
2 EL helle Sojasauce
Saft einer halben Limette
2 Knoblauchzehen, fein gehackt
1 Handvoll frischer Koriander, fein gehackt


Den Salat waschen, die Mungbohnekeimlinge mundgerecht schneiden, die Kürbiskerne unterheben.

Alle Zutaten für das Dressing vermischen, über den Salat geben, genießen.

  • Author: Waldemar
  • Prep Time: 10 Minuten
  • Category: Dressing
  • Cuisine: Asiatisch

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