Beef and onion stir fry from the wok is a delicious and quick dish that has its roots in Asian cuisine, of course. The combination of tender hanging tender steak, red onions and aromatic spices results in a perfectly balanced taste experience. The use of oyster sauce gives the dish a pleasant umami note and ensures a harmonious fusion of flavors.
Wok cooking allows ingredients to be cooked quickly at high heat while retaining their texture and nutrients. This principle, also known as “Wok Hei”, can only be implemented with a wok burner with the appropriate power. And since safety should be the top priority with such firepower, only one comes into question: a Roaring Dragon!
And use my code “Chopstick_BBQ” and get 10% off all wok burners and wok burner sets!
The use of corn starch gives the sauce a silky-smooth consistency that coats the meat and onions perfectly. The spring onions as a garnish add a fresh note to the dish and round off the flavor profile.
This beef and onion dish can easily be varied by adding extra vegetables such as peppers or using different types of meat. It’s great as a quick dinner or as part of a larger Asian-inspired menu. Hanging Tender ((kidney cone, onglet) is definitely a good choice though. Also check out this hanging tender recipe of mine.
Origin and history of the beef and onion stir fry
Beef and onion stir fry has its origins in Chinese cuisine and has become a popular dish in many parts of the world over the years. It combines traditional cooking methods with cultural significance and is quick and easy to prepare.
Traditional preparation
The stir-fry technique – which I also use for tofu stir-fry and pointed cabbage stir-fry, for example – was developed as an efficient method of quickly cooking small amounts of meat with various vegetables. The ingredients are stir-fried in a wok over a high heat. The recommended wok is always the classic Chinese wok made of carbon steel*. This method allows the freshness and flavor of the ingredients to be optimally preserved.
In the case of the beef and onion stir fry, tender beef is combined with onions. The use of oyster sauce gives the dish its characteristic spiciness. Traditionally, the meat is marinated before frying to make it more tender and intensify the flavor.
Cultural significance
The stir-fry dish plays an important role in Chinese culture. It embodies the principles of balance and harmony, which are highly valued in Chinese cuisine. The combination of beef and onions symbolizes the interplay of yin and yang.
The dish is also an example of the adaptability of Chinese cuisine. Local variations have developed in different regions of China and other countries, reflecting the respective taste preferences and available ingredients. Despite these adaptations, the basic idea of quick, aromatic roasting remains the same.
Step-by-step instructions
Preparing the beef and onion stir fry requires careful preparation and quick cooking in the wok. Precise cutting techniques and the correct frying sequence are crucial for a successful dish.
Preparing the ingredients
Cut the hanging tender steak across the grain into thin strips. Cut the red onions into halved rings and finely chop the garlic. Cut the spring onions into rings. Prepare a marinade of oyster sauce, water and corn starch. Marinate the meat in it for 15-20 minutes.
Place all the ingredients within easy reach next to the wok. Heat the wok to the highest level until light smoke appears. Provide oil. As with so many dishes, I use high-quality rapeseed oil from“Der Ölacker“. It’s worth it!
Beef and onions – cooking in a wok
Coat the wok with a little oil. Sear the marinated meat in batches until it is browned on the outside. Remove from the wok and set aside. Fry the onions and garlic in a hot wok until they are fragrant and slightly translucent. Return the meat to the wok and toss everything together briefly. Deglaze with the remaining marinade and reduce briefly until the sauce thickens slightly. Add the spring onions and toss briefly.
Variations of the ingredients
The Hanging Tender Steak of beef onions can be replaced by other types of beef. Flank steak or entrecôte are also suitable for this dish. Ginger or chili can also be added for a more intense flavor. Vegetable variations such as peppers, broccoli or zucchinis complement the stir fry perfectly.
The oyster sauce can be replaced with hoisin sauce, for example, to achieve a sweeter note. For a vegetarian version, the beef can be replaced with tofu or seitan.
PrintRindfleisch-Zwiebeln mit Austernsauce aus dem Wok
- Total Time: 2 hours 40 minutes
400g Hanging Tender Steak, alternativ: Flanksteak, Rib Eye Steak
3–4 mittelgroße rote Zwiebeln
2 Knoblauchzehen
1/2 Bund Frühlingszwiebeln
Öl zum Braten
Für die Marinade:
4 EL Austernsauce
4 EL Wasser
3 TL Maisstärke
Salz und Pfeffer nach Belieben
Das Fleisch quer zur Faser in mundgerechte Stücke schneiden. Mit der Marinade aus Austernsauce, Wasser und Maisstärke für ca. 20 Minuten marinieren. Die Marinade anschließend auffangen.
Die Zwiebeln in dünne, halbierte Ringe schneiden, den Knoblauch fein hacken, die Frühlingszwiebeln in Ringe schneiden.
Den Wok auf mit etwas Öl auf hohe Hitze bringen. Die Zwiebeln und den Knoblauch darin unter schnellem Schwenken scharf anbraten, herausnehmen. Ebenso das Fleisch portionsweise scharf anbraten und wieder herausnehmen.
Fleisch und Zwiebeln wieder zurück in den Wok, die restliche Marinade hinzufügen und bei mittlerer Hitze etwas einreduzieren lassen. Schließlich die Frühlingszwiebeln kurz mitschwenken und die Rindfleisch-Zwiebeln zum Beispiel mit Reis servieren.
- Prep Time: 30 Minuten
- Cook Time: 10 Minuten
- Method: Stir Fry
- Cuisine: Chinesisch