I’m an instant fan of curry, and this wonderful dish proves once again that it also works wonderfully with vegetarian dishes. Wonderfully nutty Anicia lentils, the sweetness of lychees, Asian flavors and always great porcini mushrooms come together here in a fantastic combination. I was surprised myself at how well this goes together, so this lentil and mushroom curry immediately made it onto my “must make again soon” list.
Are you curious and want to try and taste it? Then jump straight down to the recipe. Or get some more information about Anicia lentils and lychees, which I’ve put together for you below.
Anicia Linsen
The Anicia lentil from “Ölacker” is a special legume with a long history. This ancient lentil variety originally comes from the Mediterranean region and has been cultivated for thousands of years. The Anicia lentil is characterized by its nutty taste and delicate texture. It is smaller than ordinary lentils and has a characteristic greenish-brown color. It remains firm to the bite when cooked.
In addition to its fine aroma, Anicia lentils also impress with their nutritional values. It is rich in protein, fiber and important minerals such as iron and magnesium. This makes it a valuable source of vegetable protein, especially for vegetarians and vegans.
The Anicia lentil has its origins in the area around Castelluccio di Norcia in Umbria, Italy. Farmers there have been growing it for centuries. The name “Anicia” comes from an old Roman family. In the 20th century, the Anicia lentil was almost forgotten. But in the 1960s, it began to be cultivated again. Today it is a specialty of the region, but is also grown by“Ölacker” in Lower Saxony.
Lychee fruits are a real taste sensation from Asia. I am fascinated by their red, scaly skin and the juicy, translucent flesh. Lychees taste sweet and slightly floral, with a pleasant acidity.
These exotic fruits originally come from China, where they have been cultivated for over 4000 years. Today they grow in many tropical regions around the world. I particularly like the fact that lychees are not only delicious, but also healthy. They contain lots of vitamin C and other nutrients. I prefer to eat them fresh, but you can also use them in desserts, cocktails or savory dishes, or even in a curry as shown here. Lychees are an exciting addition to our kitchen.
Lychees were mentioned early on in ancient Chinese writings. They were particularly prized by emperors of the Tang dynasty. They even sent express couriers to bring fresh lychees from the south to the court.
Lychees stand out due to their striking appearance. The fruits are round to oval and about 3-4 cm in size. Their skin is thin and rough, with a wart-like texture. Lychees are green when unripe and turn red or pink when ripe. The translucent, white flesh is hidden under the skin. It surrounds a dark, shiny core. The juicy flesh can be easily separated from the skin and stone. Lychees grow in clusters on the trees. The evergreen trees can grow up to 20 meters high. They need a tropical or subtropical climate to thrive.
Porcini mushrooms
My beloved porcini mushrooms, like mushrooms in general. Even when they’re not in season, I always make sure I have enough dried or frozen ones to hand. You can make so many wonderful things with them, such as porcini mushroom tataki. However, this recipe also works wonderfully with other mushrooms. If you want to emphasize the Asian character even more, use oyster mushrooms or shiitake, for example. Like porcini mushrooms, they give the dish its own character.
PrintLinsen Pilz Curry mit Anicia Linsen und Litschis
- Total Time: 2 hours 45 minutes
200g Litschis
200g frische Pilze
500ml Gemüsebrühe
200ml Kokosmilch
1 Zwiebel, fein gehackt
4cm Ingwer, fein gehackt
2 –3 Knoblauchzehen, fein gehackt
1 Jalapeno oder andere Chilis, fein gehackt
2 EL rote Currypaste
2 EL Fischsauce
1 EL Zucker
Frühlingszwiebeln in Ringen
Zwiebel, Ingwer und Chili im heißen Sonnenblumenöl anbraten. Anschließend die Currypaste hinzufügen und weiter braten bis diese ihren Duft verströmt.
Mit der Gemüsebrühe ablöschen und nach Anleitung kochen lassen. Nach 2/3 der Kochzeit die Pilze und Litschis hinzufügen, mit Fischsauce und Zucker würzen und weiter kochen lassen.
Wenn die Linsen noch leichten Biss haben sind sie am besten. Dann die Kokosmilch unterrühren, nochmal kurz aufkochen und servieren.
Schließlich noch mit dem Trüffelöl beträufeln und mit Frühlingszwiebeln garnieren – fertig und genießen!
- Prep Time: 20 Minuten
- Cook Time: 25 Minuten
- Category: Curry
- Method: Kochen
- Cuisine: Asiatisch